• How Does a Saniderm Tattoo Bandage Work?

When you get a tattoo, you are essentially giving yourself a wound. Our bodies naturally produce healing elements to break down dead tissue and rebuild new tissue when it experiences injury — and under normal circumstances, these healing elements will dry up and evaporate quickly.  When this happens, it hinders the healing process and can cause scabbing, scarring, and discoloration. Saniderm’s tattoo bandage seals in the body’s natural moisture and healing enzymes, allowing the body to regenerate more efficiently.  Additionally, airborne bacteria can penetrate through your broken skin after you get a tattoo. For this reason, it’s important to cover the tattoo with a bandage or dressing. We advise against using saran wrap, as it can suffocate your tattoo. Remember: healing tattoos need oxygen.By design, Saniderm’s tattoo bandage is permeable enough for oxygen and water vapor to pass through. This is important, as it allows the wounded area to maintain optimal levels of breathability. Additionally, Saniderm protects against dirt and germs, while offering protection from friction and other irritants that may further interfere with the healing process.

  • Is it okay if my Saniderm gets wet? 

If you do end up getting your Saniderm wet, it’s no big deal! Saniderm stays on skin even when immersed in water so you can bathe, shower, and swim as normal. However, prolonged exposure to water will weaken the adhesion, so avoid soaking.

  • Could I Have An Allergic Reaction to Saniderm?

Saniderm is both latex free and hypoallergenic, so allergic reactions are very rare. However, some may have extremely sensitive skin or allergies to adhesives. If you do experience a rash, abnormal skin irritation, or other symptoms of an allergic reaction, discontinue use and wash with mild soap. Similarly, consult a physician if necessary, and never use Saniderm on infected skin!

  • Will Saniderm Negatively Affect My Ink?

Saniderm’s adhesive will not attach to the weeping or oozing area of a tattoo, therefore it can never damage or extract ink. In fact, customers report that their tattoos retain more of the vibrant color of fresh ink after using Saniderm, compared to tattoos that have healed by other methods.

  • What is Saniderm?

Designed with tattoos in mind, Saniderm is a polyurethane acrylic adhesive medical bandage. Our tattoo bandages are breathable and flexible, yet durable enough to protect your tattoos from outside irritants.  Saniderm also plays an important role in tattoo aftercare by sealing in the fluids that your body secretes during the healing process, further promoting regeneration.

  • Where did Saniderm come from?

The medical community commonly uses products similar to Saniderm for aiding in the healing of cuts, burns, and road rash. Similarly, this type of product is also very effective for tattoo aftercare!  From that, we created a product specifically for healing tattoos, that comes in sizes that are more suitable to the tattoo industry — and at less than half the price of the hospital brands!

  • What Makes Saniderm Better Than Other Tattoo Aftercare Alternatives?

What makes Saniderm better than other common aftercare alternatives? Saniderm replaces the inconvenient process accompanied with traditional aftercare and promotes the body’s natural healing agents, and effectively eliminates the need for tattoo maintenance 3-5 times per day.  Saniderm is easy to use, more comfortable, and more effective than its antiquated tattoo care alternatives. It protects your tattoo from irritants, expedites the healing process, reduces scabbing, and enhances color quality. In addition to that, Saniderm also bypasses many of the pitfalls associated with other commonly used tattoo aftercare products.

Using everyday cleaners and moisturizers as a substitute for tattoo aftercare carries risks with it. And, while they’re effective for many other things, everyday cleaners were never designed with tattoos in mind. Lotions are a common vehicle for bacteria, which can cause allergic reactions, infections, and scabbing; and antibacterial soap can dry out the tattoo and cause bleeding, scabbing, and fading of color. Additionally, antibacterial ointments can cause allergic reactions, discoloration, and excessive oozing. Petroleum-based products contain no direct healing agents at all, and may even drain color.

  • Does Saniderm Hurt To Use?

Not at all. In fact, most users report the healing process to be less painful when using Saniderm compared to when they were using other aftercare products. Be careful during removal, however, as improper removal of the Saniderm tattoo bandage can be unpleasant.

  • Can I Tan With Saniderm On?

Saniderm does not contain any kind of sun protection, so you should avoid prolonged sun or UV ray exposure. We do not recommend exposing your new tattoo to UV rays, with or without Saniderm. Even after your tattoo is fully healed, continue to use sun protection to preserve the integrity of your tattoo’s colors.

  • Is Saniderm Vegan?

Indeed, Saniderm is vegan! Since its beginning, Saniderm has always been a 100% vegan product.

  • How Long Should I Keep Saniderm On My Tattoo?

After you apply the first Saniderm bandage, leave it on your new tattoo for between 8 and 24 hours. Everyone heals differently, and the length of time will vary depending on how much fluid your tattoo is weeping. When the adhesion of the Saniderm bandage begins to weaken, that’s your cue to remove or replace the bandage. If you notice excessive weeping or fluid under your currently applied piece of Saniderm, it’s okay to carefully replace it with a new one.  After you apply the first Saniderm bandage, the second and third bandages can be worn for 3 to 5 days before needing changing. For further information on this, check out our full article on using multiple bandages in succession!

  • How Do You Remove Saniderm?

The best way to remove Saniderm is to find an edge of the bandage, and then to pull it back over itself in the direction of hair growth. Pulling upward on the Saniderm can be painful, so I don’t recommend it. In some rare cases, people can “stick” to the Saniderm bandage better than others, which can make it more difficult than normal to remove. In cases like this, try removing the Saniderm in a warm shower. The warmth will loosen the adhesive, and make it easier to remove.

  • Can I use Saniderm more than 24 hours after getting a tattoo?

  The answer is, “yes.”  As long as you are within the first 48 hours of your tattoo you can still apply a Saniderm bandage. However, if the tattoo is no longer bleeding or weeping, or if there is any scabbing whatsoever, apply a very thin layer of an aftercare ointment or lotion (our favorite is After Inked) to the tattooed area only.  This lotion will prevent adhesion to the tattooed area. Even without scabbing, we still recommend using a thin layer of aftercare ointment before applying the Saniderm bandage.

  • What Do I Do If I Get An Air Bubble Under Saniderm?

You notice an air bubble under your freshly applied Saniderm bandage — now what should you do? While an air bubble under Saniderm is not necessarily “bad,” it will likely cause problems with adhesion further on down the line. If you find yourself in this predicament, we recommend these two options:

A:  Simply make a small cut, let the air bubble out, and apply an additional small piece of Saniderm over the newly exposed area. This is the option we generally recommend, just because it’s fast and easy.

B: Or, perhaps you don’t have any more Saniderm on hand. If this is the case, gently attempt to push the air bubble out by hand. Take caution during this process — go slowly and be attentive.

Have additional questions about application or removal of Saniderm? Read more about how Saniderm works, where Saniderm came from, and why Saniderm is better than its alternatives in Saniderm’s tattoo knowledge base!

  • How Many Saniderm Bandages Should I Use?

I recommend applying 2-3 pieces per tattoo in succession to allow ample time for healing. Your first piece should be used for 8-24 hours, and the next two pieces can be kept on for between 1-6 days each, depending on how much fluid the tattoo is weeping. If you believe that your tattoo needs more time to heal beyond that, you may continue applying additional Saniderm bandages. However, most customers report complete healing after 2-3 applications.

  • Is it okay to exercise and workout with Saniderm?

Exercising and working out while wearing Saniderm is fine. However, be aware that sweating can weaken the adhesive of Saniderm and cause the bandage to come off prematurely. That being the case, we advise you to take it easy and keep the sweating to a minimum!

  • Are There Areas That I Shouldn’t Be Using Saniderm?

When using Saniderm, it’s completely safe to apply anywhere externally on the skin for an exceptional healing experience.

However, depending upon the area, using Saniderm and removing the tattoo bandage can be more or less difficult. Moreover, if you would like more information on applying and removing Saniderm tattoo bandages, read our detailed articles on removing and applying Saniderm.

  • Tattoo Weeping Fluid Out Of The Bandage

Certain tattoos weep more or less, depending on a lot of different factors. Your body excreting plasma and “weeping” is a completely normal beginning to the tattoo healing process. However, excessive weeping may negatively affect the adhesion of the bandage. If you are experiencing excessive weeping, you will simply need to clean the tattooed area more often than normal.

  • Tips for cleaning and reapplication of Saniderm

  1. Do not use a washcloth, loofah, or sponge to clean your tattoo. These can be painful to clean a new tattoo with, and may harbor bacteria.

  2. Do not hold your tattoo directly under the water. Wash it indirectly by splashing the water over the tattoo with your hands. The stream of water from the faucet may be too harsh on your new tattoo. If your new tattoo is covering a large area of skin, it may be easiest to wash the tattoo in the shower.

  3. Once you have thoroughly washed the tattoo, gently pat it dry with a little paper towel. Do not rub the tattoo, as this may cause irritation. Leave the tattoo uncovered for 15-20 minutes before reapplying another Saniderm tattoo bandage. This will allow any excess moisture in the tattoo to evaporate.

  4. The best way to remove Saniderm is to find an edge of the bandage, and then to pull it back over itself in the direction of hair growth. Pulling upward on the Saniderm can be painful, so we don’t recommend it. In some rare cases, certain people will “stick” to the Saniderm bandage more than others, which can make it more difficult than normal to remove. In cases like this, try removing the Saniderm in a warm shower. The warmth will loosen the adhesive, and make it easier to remove.

  5. Make sure that you properly apply the Saniderm bandage and leave at least 1 inch of buffer area around the tattoo. Doing this will play a large role in preventing fluids from building up too much and spilling out.

  • My tattoo is scabbing underneath my bandage. Is that normal? What should I do?

It is not normal for a tattoo to be scabbing under the tattoo bandage during the healing process. Once again, we always advise users to change the first Saniderm bandage within the first 24 hours, take it off and clean your tattoo like normal, and let the area air dry for about 20 minutes. Apply the second bandage, and leave that on for 3 to 5 days.  If you experience scabbing underneath Saniderm, you may want to apply a small amount of lotion or ointment under the bandage to provide a little extra moisture.

When using Saniderm, we recommend that you use 2 bandages total (used in succession) to allow ample time for healing. Use your first Saniderm tattoo bandage for 8-24 hours, and then keep the next two pieces on for between 1-3 days each (depending on how much fluid the tattoo is leaking still). If you believe that your tattoo needs more time to heal beyond that, you may continue applying additional Saniderm bandages. However, most customers report complete healing after 2 applications.

  • Continue to clean and moisturize your tattoo

It is important to continue to maintain proper cleanliness and moisturizing of your new tattoo until it is fully healed. This can take anywhere from 3 to 6 six weeks, depending on the size and location of the tattoo