Average Piercing Healing Times
Piercing healing times vary from person to person. Below are approximate healing times for healthy piercings on most people, but keep in mind that your piercing may heal more quickly or take even longer. Continue suggested aftercare for at least the amount of time listed below for your piercing.
At the end of the healing time, twice-daily cleaning is no longer required, although once-a-day cleaning is still suggested. When your piercing is healed, jewelry can safely be changed but it shouldn’t be left out for longer than it takes to switch jewelry. Even once the hole becomes permanent it can still shrink and make jewelry reinsertion more difficult. If you like your piercing, keep jewelry in it.
Ear & Facial Piercings
Ear Lobes ------------------------------------------------ 6–8 weeks
Ear Cartilage ---------------------------------------- 6 months–1 year
Eyebrow------------------------------------------------- 6–8 weeks
Nostril-----------------------------------------------6 months–1 year
Septum-------------------------------------------------- 6–8 weeks
Oral Piercings
Tongue -----------------------------------------------------4-6 weeks
Lip/Labret--------------------------------------------------6–8 weeks
Monroe ----------------------------------------------------6–8 weeks
Frenulum---------------------------------------------------4-6 weeks
Nipples & Navels
Male Nipples -------------------------------------------4–6 months
Female Nipples--------------------------------------6 months–1 year
Navels----------------------------------------------6 months–1 year
Female Genital Piercings
Clitoral Hood----------------------------------------------4–6 weeks
All body Jewelry is manufactured out of
Implant Grade Surgical Steel 316LVM
All Gems that appear on the Jewelry are Swarovski Crystals
We promise that you will leave our shop with a clean, beautiful piercing. What you do from here is up to you. You must be responsive to and responsible for your own body. If at any point you have any problems or questions, please feel free to stop in, give us a call, or send us an email. We are here to help.